The Parish Council is the level of local government in North East Lincolnshire nearest to the people of Stallingborough. The old parishes were formed at a time when there was little difference, to the local people, between the Church and the State. A parish like Stallingborough usually formed around a village or other small community and used to be centred around the Parish Church. In the late 1800s Church and State separated but the same area is now represented as a local authority by the Stallingborough Parish Council and the Church of England by the Parochial Church Council. The Parish Councils have many powers and some duties. (Cf. The Good Councillors Guide). An example of a power is the one that allows the purchase and operation of street lighting. One duty requires the council to open the meetings to the press and public, with few exceptions. They manage local amenities in Stallingborough and have a watching brief on local issues and their opinion is noted by those higher authorities in matters concerning them such as local planning issues. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2007 PARISH COUNCIL OF STALLINGBOROUGH.

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